7. Installation Checklist ✅
So you think you're done, buddy? Guess Again. Checklist. Do it. Do not open a ticket until you have checked off all relevant items.
If you complete this checklist and still are having issues, open a ticket @ https://discord.gg/Dj3nXTaUYZ
Steps for ALL users
[ ] - Installed the SUBFOLDER contained in the download, and verified in your txadmin server resource list that the version number matches the fxmanifest
[ ] - Added your webhooks in the server/nikon.lua Webhooks table for each camera upload channel in your config
Steps for qb-inventory
[ ] - Update your resource's FormatItemInfo() function in html/js/app.js
[ ] - Add your images to html/images folder
Steps for ox_inventory
[ ] - Update Config.Calibers OR update your data/items.lua with the items in the OX INVENTORY INSTALLATION.txt instructions
[ ] - If you have renamed the resource, please update the items server.export fields with the correct name! The items will not work otherwise.
[ ] - Update your data/weapons.lua to add caliber information for firearms, or swap it with the complete version!
Steps for qb-core
[ ] - Update qb-core/shared.items.lua with the items in the QB CORE INSTALLATION.txt instructions
[ ] - Update Config.Calibers OR update qb-core/shared/weapons.lua to add `['caliber'] = 'EXAMPLE CALIBER',` to all weapons
[ ] - Update your filled_evidence_bag item to be `['usable'] = true,` in order to enable evidence bag menu functionality
[ ] - Remove evidence.lua from qb-policejob AND any clones of qb-policejob like qb-bcso or qb-fbi
[ ] - Removed server events from qb-policejob/server/main.lua specified in install
[ ] - Removed clearblood, clearcasings, and takedna commands from qb-policejob/server/main.lua
[ ] - If you use qb-vehciclekeys, add RegisterNetEvent for 'qb-vehiclekeys:client:UpdateLastPicked' in qb-vehiclekeys
[ ] - Deleted qb-smallresources/client/carwash.lua
[ ] - RESTARTED your qb-core and qb-policejob and ensure both start with no client or server errors
Steps for ESX
[ ] - If you are using standard ESX Legacy, run the SQL to create the evidence identifiers table in your database
Steps for SQL updates
[ ] - Ran SQL statement to add evidence column to your player vehicle table
[ ] - If you need to modify the table or column names of any of player vehicles table or the evidence identifiers table, change them in r14-evidence/config.lua